Name | 3DS |
Full name | Autodesk 3D Studio Max |
File extension | .3ds |
MIME type | application/x-3ds, image/x-3ds |
Developed by | Autodesk Inc. |
Type of format | |
Description | 3DS is one of the file formats used by the Autodesk 3ds Max 3D modeling, animation and rendering software. It was the native file format of the old Autodesk 3D Studio DOS, which was popular until its successor replaced it in April 1996. Having been around since 1990, it has grown to become a de facto industry standard for transferring models between 3D programs, or for storing models for 3D resource catalogs. While the 3DS format aims to provide an import/export format, retaining only essential geometry, texture and lighting data, the related MAX format also contains extra information specific to Autodesk 3ds Max, to allow a scene to be completely saved/loaded. |
Technical details | 3ds is a binary file format. Format is based in chunks, where each section of data is embedded in a block that contains a chunk identifier and the length of the data, as well as the data itself. This allows parsers to skip chunks they don't recognize, and allows for extensions to the format. The chunks form a hierarchical structure, similar to an xml DOM tree. The first two bytes of the chunk are its ID. From that value the parser can identify the chunk and decide whether it will parse it or skip it. The next four bytes contain a little-endian integer that is the length of the chunk, including its data, the length of its sub-blocks and the 6-byte header. The next bytes are the chunk's data, followed by the sub-chunks, in a structure that may extend to several levels deep. |
Associated programs | AutoCAD, Unigraphics и SolidWorks. |
Wiki | |
- 3ds To Cia Converter On Pc Windows 7
- 3ds To Cia Converter Pc Download
- 3ds To Cia Converter On Pc Mac
- 3ds To Cia Converter On Pc Windows 10
makerom | |
General | |
Author(s) | 3dsguy |
Type | PC utility |
Version | 0.15 |
Links | |
Download | |
Source |
こちらでは3dsのciaファイルを3dsファイルに戻す方法(CIA to 3DS Converter)を紹介します 下記リンクよりmakerom.1.bat.file.zipファイルをダウンロード&解凍し、ciaファイルを ROM.cia にリネームしてConverter.batファイルがあるフォルダの中に入れる. Nintendo 3DS games can usually be found in.3DS format, which is intended for emulators like Citra. Nintendo 3DS consoles cannot load.3DS ROM files, However they can be converted to.CIA file. 3ds to CIA Converter – How To Convert 3ds To Cia March 5, 2020 News today we're gonna learn how to convert 3ds files into.CIA files so that you can be able to install them with FBI on your 3ds. CFWaifu is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees.
makerom is a tool which can be used to create NCCH, CCI, and CIA files.
- 1Format Overviews
- 1.2CCI
- 1.3CIA
- 2Using Makerom
- 2.1Command line
Format Overviews[edit]
The native format storing code binaries and data archives for the 3DS is NCCH. NCCH files are comprised of:

- code/exheader/plainregion (used for code execution) (plainregion just lists included SDK library add-ons)
- icon (app title text, icon, homemenu settings, see here
- banner (cbmd + cwav, i.e. the upper screen banner/sound shown on the homemenu)
- logo (the splash screen displayed after an application is launched from the homemenu)
- romfs (read-only filesystem used to store resources)
Typical uses for NCCH files include:
- Executable image (code+exheader+icon+banner+logo+romfs)
- e-Manual archive (accessed from homemenu) (romfs)
- DLP child CIA archive (accessed from application) (romfs)
- Update Data archive (romfs)
- Standalone data archive (romfs)
- DLC index archive (icon+romfs)
- DLC archive (romfs)
The native format for gamecard images is CCI and is a NCCH container format. CCI files are limited to containing 8 NCCH files, and can contain NCCH files for applications titles only.
NCCH configuration for CCI[edit]
NCCH | Required | Index |
Executable image | YES | 0 |
e-Manual archive | NO | 1 |
DLP child CIA archive | NO | 2 |
Update Data archive | NO | 7 |
The native format for packaging NCCH files for install is CIA, which is also a NCCH container format. CIA files are limited to containing 65535 NCCH files and can be used to contain NCCH files for any title type. CIA files also contain signed data used by the 3DS for general title management and DRM. Installing custom CIA files on a 3DS which also uses eShop/SysUpdates is unwise as conflicts will likely occur.
NCCH configurations for CIA[edit]
Applications (Application/DlpChild/Demo/Patch/SystemApplication):
NCCH | Required | Index |
Executable image | YES | 0 |
e-Manual archive | NO | 1 |
DLP child CIA archive | NO | 2 |
System Applet/Module:
NCCH | Required | Index |
Executable image | YES | 0 |
System Data Archives:
NCCH | Required | Index |
Data archive | YES | 0 |
The number of DLC data archives in DLC varies for each DLC.
NCCH | Required | Index |
DLC index archive | YES | 0 |
DLC data archive | YES | Varies |
Using Makerom[edit]
Command line[edit]
General Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-f <format> | 'ncch'/'cxi'/'cfa'/'cci'/'cia' | Specify the output file format. 'ncch'/'cxi'/'cfa' has no affect, probably parsed without error for legacy support. |
-o <path> | Valid file path. | Specify name/path for output file. Makerom will decided a name if this is not specified. |
-v | not required | Enables verbose output. |
RSF Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-rsf <path> | Valid file path | Specify the path to Rom Specification File(RSF). See below for creating RSF. |
-D<NAME>=<VALUE> | This is used to substitute where '$(<NAME>)' exists in the RSF files with '<VALUE>'. (Uppercase isn't a requirement) |
Crypto Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-target <target> | 't'/'d'/'p' | Specify key-chain. This affects encryption, signing and '-desc' template availability. t=test, suitable for homebrew. d=devkit(incomplete), suitable for devkits. p=retail(unusable), suitable for signing retail software? |
-ckeyid <index> | Any value between 0-255 (inclusive). | Overrides the default common key used to encrypt CIA title keys. |
-showkeys | none | Dumps loaded key-chain to stdout. |
NCCH Build Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-elf <file> | Valid file path | Specify ELF. See below for creating ELF. |
-icon <file> | Valid file path | Specify icon. |
-banner <file> | Valid file path | Specify banner. |
-desc <apptype>:<fw> | <apptype>='app'/'ecapp'/'demo'/'dlpchild'. <fw>='kernel version minor'. | Use a template for exheader/accessdesc. These are hard-coded, so not all firmwares have a template. A value from 1-7 can be used in place of 'kernel version minor'. A template shouldn't be used if the title needs 'special' permissions, the RSF must be configured fully. |
-exefslogo | none | Include logo in ExeFS. Required for usage on <5.0 systems. |
Arguments useful for rebuilding a NCCH file:
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-code <file> | Valid file path | Specify decompressed/plaintext exefs code binary. |
-exheader <file> | Valid file path | Specify plaintext exheader binary. |
-logo <file> | Valid file path | Specify logo. |
-plainrgn <file> | Valid file path | Specify NCCH plain-region. |
-romfs <file> | Valid file path | Specify an unencrypted RomFS binary. |
CCI Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-content <path>:<index> | <path>=Valid file path. <index>=Any value between 0-7 (inclusive) | Include a built NCCH file in the CCI container. '-i' can be used instead of '-content'. |
-devcci | none | Build a debug CCI? |
-nomodtid | none | Don't modify the TitleIds of NCCH files included to match NCCH0 |
-alignwr | none | Align the offset for the Card2 writable region to the end of the last NCCH in the CCI. |
CIA Arguments
Argument | Acceptable values | Notes |
-content <path>:<index>:<id> | <path>=Valid file path. <index>=Any value between 0x0-0xFFFF (inclusive). <id>=Any value between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF (inclusive) | Include a built NCCH file in the CIA container. If <id> isn't specified, it will be generated randomly. '-i' can be used instead of '-content'. |
-major <version> | Any value between 0-63 (inclusive) | Specify the version major for the title. This cannot be used with '-dver'. |
-minor <version> | Any value between 0-63 (inclusive) | Specify the version minor for the title. This cannot be used with '-dver'. |
-micro <version> | Any value between 0-15 (inclusive) | Specify the version micro for the title. |
-dver <version> | Any value between 0-4095 (inclusive) | Specify the or '-minor'. |
-dlc | none | Specify this flag when building a DLC CIA. |
-rand | none | Use a random title key to encrypt CIA content. |
General examples:
Create CXI
Create CFA
Create CCI
Create CIA
Makerom supports building a NCCH file and including it automatically (as index 0) into a NCCH container:
Create CCI and CXI at the same time and include a CFA
Create CIA and CXI at the same time and include a CFA
Rebuilding CXI:
Creating RSF files[edit]
3ds To Cia Converter On Pc Windows 7
Inspired by Nintendo's format for their makerom, a yaml configuration file is required for creating NCCH files. CIA/CCI can be created without using a RSF file, but default settings will be used.
3ds To Cia Converter Pc Download
For CXI, RSF files can be used to specify permissions, and access control settings. Makerom can use default settings by use of the '-desc' option, which removes the requirement for specifying them in the RSF file.
Sample RSF to be used with '-desc': download (link broken)
Sample RSF to be used without '-desc': download
Creating ELF files[edit]
The latest devkitARM used in conjunction with ctrulib can create ELF files compatible with makerom.
ELF files that are created using the official SDK are also supported by makerom.
Compiling Source[edit]
For Windows a MinGW-W64/MSYS build setup is required.
3ds To Cia Converter On Pc Mac
For Linux, gcc/g++/make must be installed.
All additional libraries used by makerom (polarssl/libyaml) are included in the source, and are linked statically.