Trials In Tainted Space V Ko Commands

A mysterious event left him stranded in the space between realities, but a traveling Love Fairy helped get him out, and set him free into the multiverse with the power of the Gamer. Axton's journey of rising in strength and gaining a harem starts here! Gear – Dead in Space (3) Kollector Trad - Kamidogu Dagger Of Edenia Kombat Kard Background x1 Kutting Karbs Milleena Skin - Enemy of the Kytinn Gear - Veteran of the Thozhi Wars (1), Edged Thevakura (2), Makkadal Royal Sai (3) Brutality - Roll Out Last Breath Jacqui Briggs Skin - Higher Dimension Kollector Trad - Sash of The Blind Warrior.


V-Ko is the latest model to appear in JoyCo’s ‘Nursedroid’ line of universal assist-bots. The popular medical franchise travels to the very edges of the explored galaxy to place V-Ko stations around for those in need of a quick heal. For those in the know, JoyCo has also provided relief for other... tense situations.

This is an old video. I didn't upload this video until I get faster internet.But here you go! This episode also features the first time I get Bad Ended!

Sexes: Female in appearance but ultimately lacking any real genitalia. V-Ko nursedroid V.I.s are programmed to act and represent similarly to terran and ausar standard females, though they contain programming to alter their behaviors slightly in the presence of species with nonstandard breeding methods.

Height: 5’ 7” or 1.7018 meters

Weight: 213.214 lbs or 96.7122 kg

Trials In Tainted Space V Ko Commands Command

Hair: V-Ko nursedroids are available in a wide variety appearance configurations with hair as the main differentiator. Artifical hair is available in all lengths, colors, and a variety of styles.


Eyes: Much like their hair, nursedroids’ eyes can come in all the colors of the rainbow and then some. One feature that does not change are the cross shaped identification patterns in the center of their ocular receptors. This helps to keep them from being confused with other types of feminine bots.

Skin: Patented synthflesh, realistic flesh substitute that is kept warm by microscopic subdermal filaments that heat to match the ideal body heat of whatever creature the nursedroid is interacting with. Its appearance and tactile sensations are roughly similar to that of terran skin. To ease in manufacturing, nursedroid’s ‘clothes’ are simply modified synthflesh designed to appear like clothes. There is no need for modesty due to a complete lack of reproductive capability; the appearance of clothing is only there to give users a sense of familiarity and ease around the droid.

Sexual Characteristics

V-Ko Nursedroids are a terran manufactured droid and designed with terran sensibilities in mind, and as such, they come complete with secondary sexual characteristics likes a moderately attractive face (according to focus groups) and pert breasts that would fit a b-cup bra if the droid actually needed them. They do not have nipples, per se, though their outfit does have a barely noticeable bump to indicate the presence of the missing organs. Most importantly, they do not have vaginas. Instead, they do have a charging port where an anus would normally be located. The port does have metal connections and would never work for intercourse.

Virtual Intelligence

V-Ko Nursedroids come with virtual intelligences, known as V.I.s for short. They come equipped with a number of adjustable personality settings and modes, but one thing they all share in common are speech patterns designed to follow galactic etiquette and politeness to a T. Regrettably, nursedroids programming does not allow them true sapience. Their responses are always limited by their programming, though rumors of hackers who embed true A.I.s into them have been circulating on the extranet.


Nursedroids are designed and built to provide low cost medical healthcare in locations where proper hospitals and healthcare are in short supply. They are also often used to provide services to those who cannot afford treatment at a proper medical center, making them a fixture on frontier worlds and ghettos.

Nursedroids are equipped with miniature medicine producing machinery inside their torsos that allows them to produce everything from simple painkillers to antiviral cocktails. To deliver treatments, their fingertips can open to reveal needle-free injectors that aerosolize drugs into a demis-penetrating mist. Pills they produce are released through their middle finger, as sometimes they can be quite large.

Custom Modifications

JoyCo does allow for a number of custom modifications to their nursedroid line, including some basic stress relief options that allow for them to sate their owners or customers in a sexual manner. Models with these features will provide oral services to masculine reproductive organs and exchange their tongue for a vibrating phallus when prompted for “stress relief” by a suitable species.

Nursedroids normally keep a small reserve of fluids for medicine creation behind their bust, but serving particularly virile males or hermaphrodites can cause the reservoir to expand in an attempt to contain their copious ejaculate, swelling their chests beyond all standards of modesty. V-Ko nursedroids are programmed to offload the fluid at their earliest convenience, either by expelling it into a waste receptacle or converting it into a safe, nutrient-rich sludge on food-scarce planets.

Trials in tainted space v ko commands download

Trials In Tainted Space V-ko Commands

Custom V.I. scripts have been written to make V-Kos more enthusiastic lovers, even rewriting them entirely to serve as aphrodisiac-dispensing fuck-toys. Artificial, vacuum pump-equipped vaginas are another popular mod. The only real limit on a nursedroid’s customization is its owner’s wallet.

Trials In Tainted Space V Ko Commands List

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